Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-07-24 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) 先週の米国相場は、FOMCがあり0.25%の利上げが発表されました。翌日に金利が急騰し株価が下落する動きが見られましたが、金曜日には持ち直し、株価指数は週単位ではすべて上昇して終えています。決算発表に関しては、GOOGL、METAが予想を上... 2023.07.30 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-07-17 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) Last week, the U.S. market saw a pause in the rally in tech stocks, which had been strong, while funds moved into sectors such as small-cap stocks, energy, healthcare, and utilities, which have underperformed since the beginning of the year. Sector rotation repeated itself... 2023.07.24 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-07-10 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) 先週の米国相場は、7/12に発表されたCPIの数値が予想より低く、インフレが収束に向かいつつあることを受けて金利とドル指数が大きく下落し、株式指数、金属、エネルギーの先物価格が力強く上昇しました。金曜日には金利が反発し、株式指数、原油価格が... 2023.07.17 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-07-03 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) 先週は雇用関連の指標の発表を受けて長期金利が強い上昇となり、株価指数は全体としては下落傾向となりました。そのような中、石油ガス銘柄、自動車、旅行関連銘柄は比較的強い動きとなり上昇しました。また、ドル指数が下落傾向を強めており、金、銅の先物価... 2023.07.10 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-06-26 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) 先週の米国相場は、長期金利、株式指数共に上昇し、VIXは13台の低い水準を保っています。原油、天然ガスは小幅に上昇し、銅、金などの金属素材は下落して始まったものの週の後半に持ち直してきています。6月の1ヶ月間で見ると、自動車、旅行サービス、... 2023.07.03 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-06-19 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) 先週の米国相場は、ハイテク株、不動産株を中心に株価が下落し、株式指数も全体的に低下しました。VIXは引き続き下落しています。5月以降に非常に強い上昇を続けてきた半導体、ソフトウェアなどのハイテク銘柄が一旦調整局面となっている一方で、ヘルスケ... 2023.06.26 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-06-12 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) In the U.S. market last week, equity indices rose across the board as CPI confirmed that inflation was trending lower without major surprises from prior expectations and the FOMC did not raise interest rates as previously expected by the market. Commodity prices, including natural gas, copper, and wheat, also rose... 2023.06.19 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-06-05 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) Last week in the U.S. market, the VIX continued to fall and the stocks rising are spreading out from AI and semiconductor related stocks. Last week was particularly strong for automakers. Along with the decline in the dollar index, prices of gold, copper, and other metal materials are turning from short-term declines to rallies.... 2023.06.12 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-05-29 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) 先週の米国相場は、VIXが大きく下落し、すべての株価指数が力強く上昇しました。金利は週の前半は大きく下落して始まったものの雇用統計、債務上限問題の解決を受けて週末にかけて上昇して終えています。業種別に見ると自動車銘柄、銅、ウラン等の素材関連... 2023.06.05 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-05-22 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) Last week, semiconductor stocks such as NVDA, MRVL, and AVGO, computer hardware stocks such as SMCI and IONQ, and AI software stocks such as PLTR and AI led the Nasdaq's strong rally in the US market. Meanwhile, materials-related, defensive, and healthcare... 2023.05.29 Weekly Review