investment strategy

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investment strategy

Market Breadth Analysis - December 22, 2024

ChatGPTにマーケット・ブレスのチャートを分析してもらったところ、客観的に様々な視点から分析してくれて説得力のある内容だったのでご紹介します。ChatGPT o1に2024-12-22時点のチャートを渡して分析してもらった結果です。Ch...

How to Know When to Buy and Sell U.S. Stocks Based on the Number of U.S. Stocks in Uptrend

investment strategy

Sectors that have risen and begun to rise in the past year (as of 2022-02-18)

過去1年間のセクターパフォーマンス比較この記事ではFinBizを利用してセクター毎の過去1年間のパフォーマンスを比較し、以下の3つの切り口でセクターとその代表的な銘柄を洗い出してみました。 過去1年間のパフォーマンスが良かったセクター 過去...
investment strategy

U.S. Stocks] Last Week in Review and Strategy for Week 2022-02-14


Price movements during the burst of the U.S. stock market dot-com bubble and trading strategies using the VIX in a bear market

There is no possibility that the adjustment market that began in January 2022 will become a further full-fledged falling market as the Fed raises interest rates and begins QT. To avoid panicking and being unable to do anything when a falling market arrives, the dot-com bubble burst in 2000...

How to identify stock market ceilings and what to do during a decline.


Entry points for USIC 2021 winner Mark Minervini

2021年のUnited States Investing Championship (USIC)において、年間で338.42%という驚異的な利益を生み出したマーク・ミネルヴィニ氏のエントリーポイントの一部が公開されていました。どこでロング...
investment strategy

Past bear market price movements and strategies for the first half of 2022

It is said that 2022 is likely to see a major market adjustment due to the Fed's upcoming tapering, rate hikes, and asset reductions. I started trading U.S. stocks in earnest in 2021 (I have about 10 years of stock investing experience, but I check price movements daily...
investment strategy

Recap of last week and plans for the week of 2022-01-17

先週の振り返り相場概況 短期金利、特に2年利回りが急上昇し、原油価格も上昇した一週間でした。 米国債2年 +12.15% 米国債5年 +3.93% 米国債10年 +1.36% 米国債20年 +1.67% 米国債30年 +0.33% WTI原...
investment strategy

Relationship between sales and profit growth in the last three quarters and stock price (December 2021)

Using TradingView, we have compared the sales and EPS growth rates of U.S. stocks for the last three quarters on the chart. You can see and feel how the sales and EPS growth rates are linked to the stock price over a long period of time. We hope this will be helpful in selecting stocks.
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