Weekly Review

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Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2022-12-19 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Hold and Watch)

Oil prices and long-term interest rates rebounded in the U.S. market last week, with oil and financial stocks rising accordingly. Nike (NKE), whose earnings results were much better than expected, also led the rally. By country, Latin America, including Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico, was strong, while rising interest rates led Japan's...
Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of the week 2022-12-12 and strategies for the week (stocks to hold and monitor)

Last week in the U.S. market, after two events, the CPI and the FOMC, the weekly result was a decline in long-term interest rates and stock indexes and a rise in energy prices... The S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Dow are all in short-term downtrends, so the next few weeks will be on the downside...
Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2022-12-5 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Hold and Watch)

Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2022-11-28 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Hold and Monitor)

Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2022-11-21 and Strategy for the Week (Holdings and Stocks to Watch)

先週の米国相場は、金利とVIXが低下し、ダウを中心に上昇しました。11/14週から継続する流れとして、特にアパレル小売の銘柄の多くが決算発表後に大きく株価を伸ばしています。今週は12/1 PCE指標、12/2 失業率と重要な経済指標の発表が...
Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2022-11-14 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Hold and Watch)

先週の米国相場は、全体的には、ディフェンシブ、ヘルスケアが買われ、景気に敏感な銘柄が売られる景気悪化時の動きが見られました。11/16にMicron Technologyのメモリ製品の減産を発表したことを受けて半導体および半導体装置の銘柄が...
Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2022-11-7 and Strategy for the Week (Holdings and Stocks to Watch)

Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of the week 2022-10-31 and strategy for this week (stocks to hold and monitor)

Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2022-10-24 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Hold and Watch)

Last week in the U.S. market, earnings results were announced by IT giants, with GOOG, MSFT, AMZN, and META falling, and only AAPL changed the mood of the market with a significant rise in its share price. Oil majors XOM, CVX, KO, and MCD also announced good earnings and increased their share prices. Overall, the...
Weekly Review

U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2022-10-17 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Hold and Watch)

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