Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-05-15 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) 先週の米国相場では4月の小売売上高が発表され、先月比で予想0.8%に対して0.4%と消費が弱くなってきている様子が明らかとなってきました。先週はHome Depot (HD)やFoot Locker (FL) の決算が発表されましたが、予想... 2023.05.22 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-05-08 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) The April CPI and PPI results released last week confirmed that inflation is falling as expected by the market, with rent inflation, which has been slow to fall, finally starting to fall, and service inflation, which was slow to start falling, accelerating its decline. In response to this... 2023.05.15 Weekly Review
Weekly Review 【米国株】2023-05-01週の振り返りと今週の戦略(監視銘柄) 先週は、5/3にFRBパウエル議長の会見で事前の予想通りに0.25%の利上げが発表され、AAPLの決算発表では成長は鈍化しているものの市場の予想より良い結果となり、5/5の雇用統計では失業率は予想を下回り、賃金の上昇が続いています。地方銀行... 2023.05.07 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-04-17 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) 先週の米国相場は、金利が上昇、VIXが下落する中で、株価指数は横ばいを続けています。セクターの動向を確認すると、住宅建築、リゾート・カジノ、医療機器、バイオテクノロジー、生活必需品の銘柄が上昇する中で、自動車、石油ガス、金属素材等の景気敏感... 2023.04.24 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-04-10 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) Last week, the U.S. market was buoyed by the CPI and PPI releases, which showed that inflation is falling as expected, and sectors such as energy, metals, industrial equipment, and shipping, which rise during economic expansion, rallied strongly. In addition, better-than-expected results from JPM, WFC, and other major banks... 2023.04.16 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-04-03 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) Last week, the ISM Manufacturing Index was released and came in at 46.31 TP3T versus an expected 47.31 TP3T, making it clear that the economic outlook for the manufacturing sector is beginning to deteriorate. As a result, defensive sectors such as health care, utilities, and food, as well as gold and silver, rallied... 2023.04.09 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-03-27 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) The U.S. market rallied strongly last week, led by software stocks, as interest rates on U.S. Treasuries fell, as bank credit concerns eased and PCE releases confirmed that the rise in inflation is settling nicely.... 2023.04.02 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-03-20 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Watch) 先週は銀行の信用不安がヨーロッパに波及し、ドイツ銀行の株価が大きく下落しました。欧米の銀行破綻の影響が続いており、金融セクターは不安定な動きを続けています。先週は、銀行、保険、不動産等の金融関連の銘柄を中心に下落が続きましたが、週の後半には... 2023.03.27 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-03-13 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Hold and Watch) Last week, the aftermath of the bank failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank has not abated, with declines spreading not only to local banks, but also to major banks, insurance, and other financial stocks. Also, the possibility of a hastening economic downturn triggered by credit concerns about the financial markets has been folded in, with oil and gas, coal, and... 2023.03.20 Weekly Review
Weekly Review U.S. Stocks] Review of Week 2023-03-06 and Strategy for the Week (Stocks to Hold and Watch) 先週はパウエル議長の議会証言でさらなる金利引き上げの可能性が言及され、雇用統計の発表に加え、シリコンバレー銀行破綻などのイベントがありました。特に銀行破綻の報道を受けて、相場は金利と株価指数が急落し、金価格が上昇するリスクオフ時の反応を見せ... 2023.03.12 Weekly Review